牛津阅读树亲子阅读 3阶05 《The Mud Bath》


我现在带孩子刷的是学校版,讲的是Biff一家的故事,最大的特点就是非常贴近生活。绘本里的故事都是围绕着这一家人的日常生活展开,去学校,去野餐,去宠物店以及各种游戏等,不用担心孩子不喜欢, 只要坚持下去,我们就静等花开吧!

《The Mud Bath》核心词汇及短语句式:

the mud bath 泥水澡

football 足球 (可以延伸各种球类运动)

kick 踢

fell over 摔倒 fell是 fall的过去式

bad luck 运气不好,倒霉运

what a mess 糟透了

want a bath 想洗个澡

ran a bath 放洗澡水

on TV 在电视上,电视里

forgot 忘记 forget的过去式

drip滴 drop落 plop扑通声 splat啪嗒声




(提出问题: Who, What, Where)

1. Look at the front cover, how many people can you see?Who are they?你能看到几个人呢?他 们是谁呢?

2. What happened to Dad?爸爸发生了什么事情?

3.Where do you think they are?你觉得他们在哪里?


What are they doing now?

... ...

What happened to Dad?


How do you think Mum will feel when she sees Dad?


What did Kipper give Dad?


What is Biff doing?What is played on TV?


What is Floppy eating?Is Mum happy?Why?

... ...

What happened?

After reading

1. Look at Dad on page 6:What do you think Dad said to Mum?翻到第6页,你觉得爸爸对妈妈说了什么?

2. Why did Dad forget about the bath?爸爸为什么会忘记洗澡这件事情了?

3. Has this ever happened to you?你身上发生过这样的事情么?


最后,我不是特别赞同一字一句给孩子翻译讲解,牛津树趣味性是公认的,一般来说孩子能根据图案了解大概故事,陌生单词我会让孩子联绘本去体会, 必要的时候给予翻译支持,但是拒绝单纯的字对字翻译!在鸡娃的道路上,路漫漫其修远兮, 希望大家有好的建议与意见不吝赐教!